논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-01 A global typology of school principals’ time use: Exploring the effects of contextual and individual factors International Journal of Educational Research
2023-12 Teacher self-efficacy in a multicultural classroom: a comparative analysis of International Baccalaureate (IB) and non-IB teachers Multicultural Education Review
2023-07 The role of study abroad in preparing teachers for multicultural classroom: the case of English and Australian teachers Multicultural Education Review
2023-07 Surviving, navigating and innovating through a pandemic: A review of research on school leadership during COVID-19, 2020–2021 International Journal of Educational Development
2023-05 IBDP 교육과정의 공교육 도입에 따른 사교육 심화 가능성 논의 Education Review
2022-10 Revisiting the Faure report: Contemporary legacy and challenged legitimacy International Review of Education
2022-09 Does acquisition of formal citizenship have an impact on immigrant adolescents’ perception of racial inequality and discrimination? Multicultural Education Review
2022-05 A journey of organizational theory and school improvement: the legacy of Karen Seashore Louis Journal of Educational Administration
2022-05 A review of professional learning community (PLC) instruments Journal of Educational Administration
2022-03 Does the international Baccalaureate ‘work’ as an alternative to mainstream schooling? Perceptions of university students in Hong Kong STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION
2022-01 Straddling the global and national: the emerging roles of international schooling EDUCATIONAL REVIEW
2022-01 The influx of International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes into local education systems in Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea EDUCATIONAL REVIEW
2022-01 Between the flag and the globe: the national identity of Israeli students at United World Colleges and at local Israeli schools EDUCATIONAL REVIEW
2021-10 Pre-service teachers' international study experiences or in-service teachers' professional learning communities: what comes into play in Finnish teachers' self-efficacy in multicultural classrooms? TEACHERS AND TEACHING
2021-06 Effects of ethnic minority adolescents’ peer networks on academic achievement: the case of Damunhwa adolescents in South Korea SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION
2021-02 School Principals’ Time Use for Interaction with Individual Students: Macro Contexts, Organizational Conditions, and Student Outcomes AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION
2021-01 Diversity as an opportunity or a challenge? A cross-national study of ethnic diversity and students’ generalized trust INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
2021-01 Making untold stories heard, making invisible presences visible: voices and experiences of racially, ethnically diverse students Multicultural Education Review
2020-12 Is "Whole Child" Education Obsolete? Public School Principals' Educational Goal Priorities in the Era of Accountability EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION QUARTERLY
2020-08 Cosmopolitan nationalism in the cases of South Korea, Israel and the U.S BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION
2020-02 Exploring the OECD survey of adult skills (PIAAC): implications for comparative education research and policy COMPARE-A JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION
2019-11 Understanding educational inequality in Hong Kong: secondary school segregation in changing institutional contexts BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION
2019-07 Policy influences and practical contributions of multicultural education in diverse contexts Multicultural Education Review
2019-05 Mapping a strong school culture and linking it to sustainable school improvement TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION